Headshot of Ms. Gina a Reading In Preschool Teacher

Ms. Gina

Gina is based in sunny South Florida, where she has built a rich career in education. She earned her bachelor's degree from Florida Atlantic University and master's degree in Childhood Education and Leadership from the University of North Florida. She's certified to teach grades Pre-K through 3rd, as well as K-6, and she has a reading endorsement from the University of Florida. Additionally, she's certified to teach English as a second language. Gina is currently pursuing a graduate-level certificate specializing in supporting students with dyslexia. 

With over seven years of tutoring experience, Gina has been teaching in elementary education for five years and served as a teaching assistant prior to that.

Gina's love for teaching shows in her fun, game-filled approach to learning! She helps students excel in reading and other subjects while boosting their self-esteem.